The LC52 level controller comes configured to source loop power. Sometimes you want other devices to provide power for the 4-20ma loop. This video shows you how to disable the loop power source in the LC52 Level Controller.
the lc-52 level controller can be set in one of two modes sourcing and syncing it's shipped from the factory and sourcing mode so it's compatible with any Loop powered transmitter out of the box with no adjustment required to change it to syncing mode for other types of sensors just unscrew and remove the back cover and move this Jumper in this position the controller is in sourcing mode in this position it's in syncing mode well that's it check out the other videos in this series to learn more about flowline level controllers and if you need any help please don't hesitate to call automation directs free award-winning tech support during regular business hours they'll be happy to help you and check out the forums there are lots of folks there that love to share their years of experience but don't post any questions to tech support there they don't monitor the forums on a regular basis
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