Pull down the QR tab from top of I/O module, and scan with your smart phone or tablet QR app to get the latest updated specifications for that module.
Does this sound familiar: You're in the field and realize you have no documentation, no manual and the inserts and documentation that were included with the PLC when it was purchased were not kept in the panel.
Now you can quickly scan the QR code on any I/O module with a standard QR Code Reader on any smart phone or tablet and instantly you have installation details, module specifications and wiring diagrams at your fingertips!
In Productivity Suite there are so many time-saving instructions, even application-specific instructions like Flying Cutoff, and they all have one thing in common - their "fill-in-the-blank" programming method. This method makes it easy to configure tasks that used to require a whole bunch of program code. With Productivity Suite you just fill in the blanks. How productive is that! This style of programming is offered for even the more complex functions - coordinated motion profiles, array functions, communications, PID, the list goes on and on.
In this non-linear scaling example, the volume of the cylindrical tank needs to be determined based on the measured height of the fluid:
With the SCLN instruction it's a simple matter to enter a few pairs of values, and the Productivity2000 interpolates between the points:
Of course with this particular example additional pairs of values could be used to improve the accuracy of the conversion.
The Productivity Suite makes mathematical operations a cinch. Simply type your formula into the formula box area, or use the calculator style keypad to enter equations. Insert tagnames wherever they are needed, and make sure to enter a tagname for the result. You can type the tagnames or use the tagname chooser to look up a specific tag and insert it. How much more productive could this make you?
In addition to the Math Instruction, the Productivity Suite offers the Data Statistics instruction shown below for calculating sums, averages, or median values or for determining the Min. or Max. value from a group of tags. Simply type or select your tags from the pulldown list, and enter a tag for the output.
Most of the Productivity Series analog I/O modules allow software configuration - no dip switches to set! Just pull up the hardware configuration dialog box, and select your range, resolution, etc. right on the screen.
You can install ANY I/O module in ANY I/O slot of any base in a Productivity2000 system with no restrictions. The only fixed positions are shown in the figure at left; a power supply must be in the power supply slot, and the P2-550 CPU must go in the controller slot.
Other than this, there are no special slots or rules governing placement of your discrete, analog, or specialty I/O modules.
There is also no power budgeting required for the Productivity2000.
Once you have determined the placement of your I/O modules, you can enable electronic keying and prevent incorrect module replacement in the future.
Once you have determined the desired placement of the I/O modules in your Productivity2000 system, you can enable Automatic Module Verification to prevent inadvertent rearrangement or improper replacement of any I/O module. The CPU will flag an error and drop out of run mode if an incorrect module is detected in any slot.
When designing the sytem you can choose to place any I/O module in any I/O slot of any base in a Productivity2000 system with no restrictions.
There is also no power budgeting required for the Productivity2000.
Module Status Bits are automatically created for each module when you select (or auto-discover) that module in your hardware configuration. These bits are added to your tagname database and you can change or augment the tagnames to be even more descriptive.
Use these "MST" bits for error checking and reporting, and to simplify the troubleshooting process.
The analog and temperature modules for the P2000 have a patented built-in OLED display on the front of the module. Get accurate process variable data (current, voltage and temperature) as well as system diagnostics in real time, just by reading the display on the Productivity2000 hardware. No tools required! That's much better than the significantly higher priced Allen Bradley temperature (or analog) module's blinking light.
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