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?With this new update to Do-more Designer, Do-more BRX PLCs are changing what it means to be “Big Data PLC”. PLCs have been designed to collect, refine, and even store production data locally, but integrating this data to your front office operations has been the challenge for PLCs. With this new update, Do-more is providing these tools to make these integrations possible. With the New Web server feature, once enabled on BRX CPUS, Simply type the BRX PLC’s IP address in your preferred browser and you are connected in a flash. Now you can instantly access system status, diagnostic information, as well as monitor memory from any Internet-ready device. Bringing your plant floor data directly to the device of your choice. Now, here is a very powerful one. The BRX Rest API handles all HTTP requests for PLC data. Once a request is received, the Rest API will gather the requested data and then reply with that data in JSON or XML format. Please see the video on REST API in the Description below. The real power of this integration comes when you add a data flow control tool like Node-RED. Now you can easily transfer data between multiple platforms and processes seamlessly. BRX can now be an FTP client, allowing the PLC to write to or pull Data from an FTP Server. So now with MQTT(S), Rest API, FTP and the webserver on- board, BRX controllers can easily fill the role of data liaison to the growing number of IIoT platforms and cloud computing services. If you have any questions on this or any other features on Do-more, please feel free to comment below or call Technical support. Click here to see more Videos on the Do-more platform, and make sure to select here to subscribe to keep up to date with our many products and solutions