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BRX Series PLCs (Stackable Micro Brick): Do-more Designer Videos
Detailed Product Overview (VID-DD-0011) - This video gives basic information on Using the CNT ""Up counter" instruction in the Do-more designer software. It presents information that is commonly missed by users. This WILL NOT be a complete tutorial for the instruction but rather a supplement to the help file and customer experience.
** Software Version used in this video: Do-more Designer 2.0
**Please check our website for our most up-to-date product pricing and availability.
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This is a multi-scan instruction, because
it takes multiple scans to complete, it cannot be used in either Subroutines or Interrupt
Service Routines. It can used in Programs and under special
circumstances can also be used in Stages inside of a Program or in Tasks. See the help topic “Instruction Set Chart”
for more information. The instruction has two power rail connections. One for the up count and one for the reset. Notice that the Up input is edge triggered. When the count is equal or greater than the
preset the Done bit will turn on. When this reset rung is turned on the accumulated
count will be set to zero. If the reset rung is true the counter will